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Upcoming Fever Dream Events

We look forward to dancing with you.

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Fever Dream Class

Mondays, 1-2:15 at the Rooted Space

Fever Dream offers weekly contemporary classes on Mondays from 1-2:15 at The Rooted Space with live accompanist, Tim Daisy.

Fever Dream classes are inspired by release-technique, floorwork, and textural exploration. In class, we explore momentum, counterbalance, and sequential movement pathways to build dance phrases. Dancers have the opportunity to investigate sensations and qualities within exercises and phrases. Prepare to move, groove, and have fun!

Anna Caffarelli and Crimson Moeller rotate teaching class. Once a month, we have a guest teacher. The classes are geared towards adv/pro dancers.

To register, Venmo $12 to @Anna-Caffarelli-1

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Fever Dream Improvisation Jam

For up to date logistics, visit our instagram: @feverdreamdance

Come exactly as you are! This guided movement process is designed to keep you rooted in imagery and sensory seeking, while leaving space for individual movers to explore personal desires. FDDC dancer, Laura Baumeister, leads you through different world building exercises with a focus on letting go of movement expectations and letting the mind fully submerge into narrative. 

To register, pay what you can to:

Venmo @Anna-caffarelli-1

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